Candidate At-Large

Dustin is dedicated to creating more jobs, improving transportation, and fostering a safe community. He was raised by a single mom, giving him a unique perspective into the challenges our families face today. Dustin, who serves on the Citizen’s Advisory Budget Committee, is a small business owner who will lead with experience.


Ward 1

Bill is an independent voice for Ward 1 who will provide more housing options, strengthen existing businesses, and work with fellow community members to provide a safer place to live. Bill served our country for over 20 years. He knows what it takes to lead and deliver. He is the proud recipient of the Community Advocate of the Year award and the “Amazing Auroran” certificate.



Steve Sundberg is a family man, Aurora resident for 25 years, and successful businessowner. Steve is dedicated to jumpstarting our economy to create new jobs, improving our quality of life for years to come, and creating a safer community for all to enjoy. He currently serves on the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board and the Pickens Technical College Culinary Advisory Board and is Chair of the Leadership Aurora Board.



Jono Scott was raised in Aurora. He is a husband, father, and Pastor at Woodside Baptist Church. He will strengthen our community from the inside out by improving and prioritizing our aging infrastructure, combatting crime by supporting our first responders, and tapping into our full potential through economic growth. Jono was appointed to the Citizens’ Advisory Budget Committee in 2018.